A workshop will be held from Mon. June 15th. to Fri. June 19th, 2015, in the island of Houat, Brittany, France. The workshop is devoted to classical and recent developments in Gromov's h-principle, especially for the construction of geometric structures on manifolds. It intends to allow young searchers and students in the domain to meet with confirmed searchers.
Speakers: Strom Borman (IAS Princeton), Jonathan Bowden (Ludwig-Maximillians U, Munich), Roger Casals (ICMAT Madrid), Yasha Eliashberg (U Stanford), Emmanuel Giroux (ENS Lyon), Guogang Liu (U Nantes), Emmy Murphy (MIT), Klaus Niederkrüger (U Toulouse 3), Emmanuel Opshtein (U Strasbourg), Francisco Presas (ICMAT Madrid), Jasna Prezelj (U Koper), Thomas Vogel (Ludwig-Maximillians U, Munich)
Organizing & scientific committee: Vincent Colin (U Nantes), Gaël Meigniez (U Bretagne Sud).
Web page of the workshop: http://web.univ-ubs.fr/lmam/meigniez/houat_2015/index.html