Interactions with the socio-economic and socio-cultural world consitute a main challenge of the Henri Lebesgue Center.
The creation of the Lebesgue Agency of Mathematics for Innovation testifies this commitment. It has a proactive action towards industries in domains such as cyber-security, agronomy, automotive, health, data science, optics, or marine environment. This allows innovating firms from our two regions to access the mathematical competences they need. This approach also allows to raise the value of the PhD degree in the industry.
Actions in collaboration with physics, digital sciences, biology and health sciences make some new research problems emerge and fruitful cross-fertilizing ideas.
Towards a larger audience, the video collection 5 minutes Lebesgue gives a glimpse of the diverse facets of the work of mathematicians. The Henri Lebesgue Center contributes to arouse a taste for sciences among high school and junior high school students with a particular attention to girls.