RDL 2023 2

For seven years, the Henri Lebesgue Center has been supporting the Lebesgue Doctoral Meeting, an initiative of Labex doctoral students. These are three days of conferences during which the opportunity to speak is given to PhD students, from different geographical and mathematical backgrounds. The objective is thereby to facilitate the meeting of different doctoral students, as well as to present a wide range of current mathematical research, as it is seen and experienced by doctoral students.


These presentations will take the form of talks, as well as posters. Half a day will also be devoted to activities and there will also be a round table on career opportunities for PhDs in mathematics. During this meeting, three researchers called 'mentors' are invited to talk, as well as to share their experience of current research.


This year, the three mentors of Lebesgue Doctoral Meetings are : Claire Boyer, Clémentine Courtès and Delphine Moussard.



For more details on the event, you can consult the descriptive brochure here.