The talks will take place in rooms D075 (on Thursday November, 16th) and D174 (on Friday November, 17th) of the "Yves Coppens" building of Tohannic campus of Université Bretagne Sud, located on street André Lwoff in Vannes. Tohannic campus is located 40 minutes far from Vannes train station by foot, and can be reached by bus (of the public company "Kicéo") : take bus "6a" at bus stop "Gare SNCF" and get off at "Université".


Plan du campus de Tohannic de l'Université Bretagne Sud


(in this map, the "Yves Coppens" building is the building n°4)

Besides, lunches will take place at CROUS restaurant of Tohannic campus and Thursday's dinner will take place at "Piano Barge", located on Caradec alley. 


Contact : Fabien Priziac (